Support is now available for Queensland workers who test positive for COVID-19 and have no access to paid sick leave.
The Premier said while many Queenslanders have access to paid sick leave or pandemic leave there were still many Queenslanders who are left out, particularly those in casual employment.
“Unfortunately, there are many casually employed Queenslanders whose jobs are vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Ms Palaszczuk said.
“If a casually employed Queenslander who is not eligible for the Federal Government’s JobKeeper payment contracts COVID-19, they will have no access to an income during their time away from work.
“Today I am announcing a Hardship Payment to help these Queenslanders.
“This will also be available to any employee who has exhausted their sick leave or pandemic leave entitlements, and tests positive to COVID-19.
“This initiative is all about keeping Queenslanders safe and healthy – ensuring workers are supported to stay home when required and keep their customers and work colleagues safe and healthy.
“This payment will provide affected workers with a one off $1500 payment to cover their unpaid sick leave.”
Minister Fentiman said to be eligible for this payment you must have be employed, test positive to COVID – 19 and have no access to paid sick leave or pandemic leave.
“We are trying to ensure that Queenslanders aren’t out of pocket while they quarantine themselves. This will help keep all Queenslanders safe,” Ms Fentiman said.
“While contraction rates are currently low, should there be a further outbreak, this payment will be in place.”
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training will work closely with Queensland Health to ensure when these Queenslanders’ are tested positive for COVID-19 that they are referred to the Department for this assistance.